
成语桥 19 0
拼音:dūn shī shuō lǐ

成语接龙:1. 礼仪之邦
2. 礼崩乐坏
3. 礼轻情意重
4. 礼坏乐崩
5. 礼贤下士
6. 礼为情貌
7. 礼失求诸野
8. 礼轻人意重
9. 礼坏乐崩
10. 礼义廉耻

造句:1. 现代教育应秉承敦诗说礼的原则。
2. 敦诗说礼,可以提高学生的综合素质。
3. 他在演讲中多次提到敦诗说礼。
4. 敦诗说礼是他的教学座右铭。
5. 学校的课程设置体现了敦诗说礼的理念。


In ancient times, there was a scholar named Li Yuan who was very fond of reading, especially poetry and etiquette. He believed that poetry could cultivate morals and emotions, while etiquette could regulate behavior and thoughts. This approach to learning he called "Dun Shi Shuo Li."
One day, as Li Yuan was teaching children in the village to read and recite poetry, a county official happened to pass by. Attracted by the fluent recitation of the children, he stopped to listen. He noticed that not only were the children good at reciting poetry, but they were also polite and well-mannered. Impressed with Li Yuan's teaching method, the official asked how he achieved this.
Li Yuan replied, "Dun Shi can moisten the soul, and Shuo Li can cultivate oneself and one's family. I teach the children poetry not just to memorize words, but more importantly to understand the wisdom within and learn how to behave." Moved by this, the official decided to promote Li Yuan's "Dun Shi Shuo Li" teaching method throughout the county.
From then on, Li Yuan's method spread in the area. Not only did children benefit from it, but adults also started to learn poetry and etiquette. The village's ethos improved significantly, with people respecting each other and living harmoniously. Li Yuan's "Dun Shi Shuo Li" not only enhanced the cultural literacy of the people but also brought positive changes to the entire society.
Dans l'ancien temps, il y avait un érudit nommé Li Yuan qui aimait beaucoup lire, en particulier la poésie et l'étiquette. Il croyait que la poésie pouvait cultiver la morale et les émotions, tandis que l'étiquette pouvait réguler le comportement et les pensées. Il appelait cette approche de l'apprentissage "Dun Shi Shuo Li".
Un jour, alors que Li Yuan enseignait aux enfants du village à lire et à réciter de la poésie, un officiel du comté passa par là. Attiré par la récitation fluide des enfants, il s'arrêta pour écouter. Il remarqua que les
